Monday, July 9, 2007


It is very hot today...
really hot....
Just a short while ago we got a visit from
a customer who had some
"scratches" on his windshield.
He had been to another shop a few towns over from our store in Middletown. No big deal...right?? The CSR there looked at the customer's windshield and proceeded to give him the low down on why they wouldn't polish the scratches out due to some issues with distorting the's going to take all day to do your car so leave it.... and the price is $300.00 plus tax. Blah blah blah.....
The customer is driving a late model Chevy Impala, not a bad ride...looks to be in good shape. He seems to be a nice guy too... "Can you take a look at my windshield?" he askes...
Sure, No problem! Upon inspection...the scratches appear to look more like some type of tape remnent but to be sure, we pull the car into the shop and with the guy looking, take some window cleaner and a fresh razor blade and whadda ya know..... the "scratches" are gone! WOW just like MAGIC! So we proceed to clean the rest of the guy's windshield and he is truely amazed! Not only did we solve his problem but we were HONEST!
Now, it's fair to say that maybe the person he saw at the other shop was a novice...a tad bit on the inexperienced side you might say... or was this something more sinister???
The moral of this story is: Don't be afraid to get a second opinion. Ask some questions and make sure you're comfortable with the knowledge and level of quality of whomever is going to replace your windshield.
Just remember:
While most people can make a hot dog and it'll taste OK.....
Not every person can install a windshield the correct way.

1 comment:

viralpunch1 said...

Wow! Unbelievable what some people try to get away with! Hopefully the customer informed them of their incorrect assessment. Thanks for sharing, when it comes to your vehicle it is probably always a good idea to get a second opinion. There are so many auto glass scams circulating right now (just like every other industry)! Thanks again! SunTec